What has become of the superhero movie?
The hey day of superhero movies... was when chris reeves played superman, sam jones was flash gordon, and micheal keaton was batman
a run of badly made comic book movies, spawn, the hulk, both punisher movies (the dolph lundgren one, then the thomas jane one) has really damaged the comic book movie industry.
Even as a Hellboy fan, Del Toro's movie didnt exactly hit the spot. although i must say the casting was near perfect :)
Upcoming movies like The Green Lantern, Marvel luminary Kevin Smith (of Jay and Silent Bob, Dogma, Jersey Girl) is in discussions to write. I personally see this as a good thing. For anyone who's read KS's stuff should agree with me
Also a return of the dark knight, pre production shots see the return of batman to his DARKer past. Christian Bale stars as a young Bruce Wayne in a crime ridden Gotham. DARKER DARK KNIGHT. thats the way he was meant to be. not the cheeseball in a plastic nipple suit (read: George Clooney)
Fantastic Four, thats been run through the mill, first it was rumours of a traditonal story. then they based it on the Ultimates... sigh.. its neither here nor there.
anyway dont give up on super hero movies just yet
there's the INCREDIBLES to look forward too
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