empty beer bottle
A lil bit of happiness is found at the bottom of my beer. Well up until the point that i realise that it was the last bottle of beer in the fridge.
And after thinking a bit, its not the bottom of the beer bottle that helps a mood, but the journey that gets you there. A lot of times in my life i've become obsessed with the end point, the place where i want to be. As a result i lose sight of the reasons why i started the journey. Mebbe thats why i always seem to start things i cant finish, or lose interest in things halfway.
People, Projects and Purpose, all of which have invariably suffered thru my inability to enjoy the process. They say begin with the end in mind. Goals are good, they measure a man. well its a way for a man to measure himself. I've tested myself... hell yeah... falling short is an understatement. Too many mistakes, too many errors.
picking up the pieces.
But you make me want to change.
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