Added to current wishlist
1) Fender Telecaster 72
2) TV for my room (with cable of course!)
3) An XboX for the TV
4) The complete Babylon 5 DVD series box sets
5) The complete Gary Larson collection
i can dream cant i?
In between sleeping and waking lives the peculiar...
Added to current wishlist
What's up with the government?
Lady, when you’re with me I’m smiling
Give me all your love
Your hands build me up when I’m sinking
Just touch me and my troubles all fade
Lady, from the moment I saw you
Standing all alone
You gave all the love that I needed
So shy, like a child who has grown
What has become of the superhero movie?
We climb and climb and at the top we fly
Let the world go on below us, we are lost in time
And I don't know really what it means
All I know is that you love me, in my dreams
I have a blog.