Thursday, May 18, 2006

Closing Time

So it's been sent.

Now to sit back and watch the fireworks.

reader: "wth? what's been sent? tell me!"

well. i've tendered my resignation from the shithole company i'm currently with.

why you ask? well, there are several reasons.

1) conflict of working styles

The company is only as strong as its employees. At no time was i given any indication that my value was being utilised. Not only was I asked to do things that I saw as redundant, some of the things they made me do just don't make sense. It was never a company that was looking forward to fixing their problems. Instead, they fixed things as they happen. Kinda like patching a sinking ship with masking tape.

2) leadership suspect of ethic and moral issues

so i get quotations from my vendors, and we've knocked it down to what i consider a reasonable price for a comprehensive solution. i pass the quote along to my boss who says its still too expensive. so i button down and knock off a few less essential items and i come back with a reduced price. he takes the quote and brings it to his friend and says to his friend.... "if you can be lower than this, it's yours" so his friend does. i get the new quotation back and an instruction to "bring this to my vendors, if they can take off another 10%, it's theirs" along with a caveat to not inform HIS Friend about what we're doing. I couldnt do that to my vendors, or my friends.

3) leadership suspect of incompetency

Just cos' you've studied overseas and may know the difference between a tape drive and a hardisk backup doesnt mean ur an IT guru. they both exist for a reason. and Im glad i wont be around when your network fails.

4) leadership which puts the value of $ ahead of the value of the employee

there are just too many instances of Him protecting his own ass. not once did i feel as if my contributions were of any value.

dear Mr A.

You dont need me. You just need an extra pair of hands.
I'm sorry, but I'm no ones hands.

maybe in time you'd understand.
but if you were reading this now, you're probably be fucking pissed off.

you lose.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Kweating Time

play nice now.

I've had enough. There are too many things in this world to be upset about, and I'm determined to not let this job upset me. There are many things that i actually do like about the job.
Well, not really. Mostly its cos of a certain person who makes the job more tolerable. Said person, like me has a penchant in meeting a certain vehicle either on our way to work/lunch/home.

so fellow unhappy worker, hang in there! AND Thank you for being a pushover.

But you know, I've worked for several companies now and this has to be one of the more perplexing places. Don't wanna put up any details just yet. But trust me... there will be once a certain event takes place :P (those of you who know.. hush hush k?)

so bye for now!